Why don't virtue signalers just include the whole keyboard
(too old to reply)
bob user
2022-08-25 22:51:54 UTC
On 25 Aug 2022, Klaus Schadenfreude
“Pride and prejudice: LGBTQIA+”
I can remember when it was just LGB.
Then they added the T for the trannies.
Then they added the Q which seems redundant to me.
Now they've add "IA+". Who the fuck does that include?
L - Lesbian - Women/girls who are attracted to other women/girls
G - Gay - attraction to the same gender
G - Gender Fluid
B - Bisexual - attraction to any two genders
T- Transgender - Identifying as a gender different from your agab
I - Intersex - People with ambiguous genitals or genitals that are
different from “normal” ones.
Q - Queer - not straight or not cis
Q - Questioning their sexuality/gender.
D - Demisexual - no sexual attraction with another person until they
have developed emotional connection
A - Asexual - no sexual attraction.
P - Pansexual - Attraction that’s not gender based
G - Genderqueer - Non-binary
N - Non-binary - Genders that aren’t male or female.
G - Genderfluid - Gender shifting over time
F - Just fucked in the head
N - Neutral gender
B - Bigender - Identifying as two genders
A - Aromantic - No romantic attraction
2 - Two spirit
+ - Anything else we forgot until they complain loud enough that they
don't have their own letter.
That's great!

W - Wacked
O - Out
K - Kook
E - Expendables
Just Wondering
2022-08-25 23:24:39 UTC
Post by bob user
On 25 Aug 2022, Klaus Schadenfreude
“Pride and prejudice: LGBTQIA+”
I can remember when it was just LGB.
Then they added the T for the trannies.
Then they added the Q which seems redundant to me.
Now they've add "IA+". Who the fuck does that include?
L - Lesbian - Women/girls who are attracted to other women/girls
G - Gay - attraction to the same gender
G - Gender Fluid
B - Bisexual - attraction to any two genders
T- Transgender - Identifying as a gender different from your agab
I - Intersex - People with ambiguous genitals or genitals that are
different from “normal” ones.
Q - Queer - not straight or not cis
Q - Questioning their sexuality/gender.
D - Demisexual - no sexual attraction with another person until they
have developed emotional connection
A - Asexual - no sexual attraction.
P - Pansexual - Attraction that’s not gender based
G - Genderqueer - Non-binary
N - Non-binary - Genders that aren’t male or female.
G - Genderfluid - Gender shifting over time
F - Just fucked in the head
N - Neutral gender
B - Bigender - Identifying as two genders
A - Aromantic - No romantic attraction
2 - Two spirit
+ - Anything else we forgot until they complain loud enough that they
don't have their own letter.
That's great!
W - Wacked
O - Out
K - Kook
E - Expendables
LGBT - Liberty, Guns, Barbeque, and Trump.
tracking cookie
2022-08-27 05:22:08 UTC
Post by Just Wondering
Post by bob user
On 25 Aug 2022, Klaus Schadenfreude
On Thu, 25 Aug 2022 13:37:27 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Just Wondering
Post by bob user
Post by Just Wondering
Post by bob user
f19 cb1cbf75061b335e483260f
I can remember when it was just LGB.
Then they added the T for the trannies.
Then they added the Q which seems redundant to me.
Now they've add "IA+". Who the fuck does that include?
L - Lesbian - Women/girls who are attracted to other women/girls
G - Gay - attraction to the same gender
G - Gender Fluid
B - Bisexual - attraction to any two genders
T- Transgender - Identifying as a gender different from your
Post by Just Wondering
Post by bob user
I - Intersex - People with ambiguous genitals or genitals that are
different from “normal” ones.
Q - Queer - not straight or not cis
Q - Questioning their sexuality/gender.
D - Demisexual - no sexual attraction with another person until they
have developed emotional connection
A - Asexual - no sexual attraction.
P - Pansexual - Attraction that’s not gender based
G - Genderqueer - Non-binary
N - Non-binary - Genders that aren’t male or female.
G - Genderfluid - Gender shifting over time
F - Just fucked in the head
N - Neutral gender
B - Bigender - Identifying as two genders
A - Aromantic - No romantic attraction
2 - Two spirit
+ - Anything else we forgot until they complain loud enough that
they don't have their own letter.
That's great!
W - Wacked
O - Out
K - Kook
E - Expendables
LGBT - Liberty, Guns, Barbeque, and Trump.

Quinn C
2022-08-26 21:29:33 UTC
Post by bob user
On 25 Aug 2022, Klaus Schadenfreude
“Pride and prejudice: LGBTQIA+”
I can remember when it was just LGB.
Then they added the T for the trannies.
Then they added the Q which seems redundant to me.
Now they've add "IA+". Who the fuck does that include?
L - Lesbian - Women/girls who are attracted to other women/girls
G - Gay - attraction to the same gender
G - Gender Fluid
B - Bisexual - attraction to any two genders
T- Transgender - Identifying as a gender different from your agab
I - Intersex - People with ambiguous genitals or genitals that are
different from “normal” ones.
Q - Queer - not straight or not cis
Q - Questioning their sexuality/gender.
D - Demisexual - no sexual attraction with another person until they
have developed emotional connection
A - Asexual - no sexual attraction.
P - Pansexual - Attraction that’s not gender based
G - Genderqueer - Non-binary
N - Non-binary - Genders that aren’t male or female.
G - Genderfluid - Gender shifting over time
F - Just fucked in the head
N - Neutral gender
B - Bigender - Identifying as two genders
A - Aromantic - No romantic attraction
2 - Two spirit
+ - Anything else we forgot until they complain loud enough that they
don't have their own letter.
That's great!
W - Wacked
O - Out
K - Kook
E - Expendables
Thank you for informing me about a group that warrants to be plonked
Genocide is not like gifts - the thought doesn't count.
-- 22 minutes,
on Erin O'Toole's statement that residential
schools were "meant to try and provide education."
tracking cookie
2022-08-27 04:59:32 UTC
Post by Quinn C
Post by bob user
On 25 Aug 2022, Klaus Schadenfreude
On Thu, 25 Aug 2022 13:37:27 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Quinn C
Post by bob user
Post by Quinn C
Post by bob user
I can remember when it was just LGB.
Then they added the T for the trannies.
Then they added the Q which seems redundant to me.
Now they've add "IA+". Who the fuck does that include?
L - Lesbian - Women/girls who are attracted to other women/girls
G - Gay - attraction to the same gender
G - Gender Fluid
B - Bisexual - attraction to any two genders
T- Transgender - Identifying as a gender different from your
Post by Quinn C
Post by bob user
I - Intersex - People with ambiguous genitals or genitals that are
different from “normal” ones.
Q - Queer - not straight or not cis
Q - Questioning their sexuality/gender.
D - Demisexual - no sexual attraction with another person until they
have developed emotional connection
A - Asexual - no sexual attraction.
P - Pansexual - Attraction that’s not gender based
G - Genderqueer - Non-binary
N - Non-binary - Genders that aren’t male or female.
G - Genderfluid - Gender shifting over time
F - Just fucked in the head
N - Neutral gender
B - Bigender - Identifying as two genders
A - Aromantic - No romantic attraction
2 - Two spirit
+ - Anything else we forgot until they complain loud enough that they
don't have their own letter.
That's great!
W - Wacked
O - Out
K - Kook
E - Expendables
Thank you for informing me about a group that warrants to be
Post by Quinn C
P - Pissy
L - Liberals
O - Ought
N - Not
K - Kindle
E - Effeminate
D - Debauchery