Has or Have?
(too old to reply)
n o s p a m p l e a s e
2009-03-25 13:41:18 UTC
A large number of tests has (or have?) been conducted.

What should it be?

Einde O'Callaghan
2009-03-25 21:30:16 UTC
Post by n o s p a m p l e a s e
A large number of tests has (or have?) been conducted.
What should it be?
Both are possible. The use of "have" is in my opinion a bit informal. It
would also depend on whether the emphasis is on "number" or "tests".

Regards, Einde O'Callaghan
Dilip Barad
2009-04-08 08:05:42 UTC
Post by n o s p a m p l e a s e
A large number of tests has (or have?) been conducted.
What should it be?
This is really a tricky one. I am eager to know the rule of grammar
that governs such sentence construction. I feel it should be 'has'
because it is 'A large number'.... and may be 'have' because of
'tests'..... not clear??? can anybody help?
Einde O'Callaghan
2009-04-08 08:21:43 UTC
Post by Dilip Barad
Post by n o s p a m p l e a s e
A large number of tests has (or have?) been conducted.
What should it be?
This is really a tricky one. I am eager to know the rule of grammar
that governs such sentence construction. I feel it should be 'has'
because it is 'A large number'.... and may be 'have' because of
'tests'..... not clear??? can anybody help?
Both are possible, depending on whether the emphasis is on "number" or
on "tests".

Regards, Einde O'Callaghan

P.S. I think I answered this question - or a similar one - recently
either here or in another newsgroup.
stan vincent
2009-04-24 01:00:05 UTC
not that critical BUT:

simple-look at the use of the object(s) in the rest of the sentence
if the use is about the whole then singular
if use is about many individual parts of the group then plural

in this case what has been conducted? -tests.
i.e. all of the individual tests HAVE been done and the discussion may go on
to say the RESULT IS ...
or the RESULTS ARE....

so use plural verb have

each member of the group is voting
all members of the group are voting.
the group (as a result or as a whole ) has decided (also because it is not
possible for an individual to decide for the group-the decision is an
aggregate )
Post by Dilip Barad
Post by n o s p a m p l e a s e
A large number of tests has (or have?) been conducted.
What should it be?
This is really a tricky one. I am eager to know the rule of grammar
that governs such sentence construction. I feel it should be 'has'
because it is 'A large number'.... and may be 'have' because of
'tests'..... not clear??? can anybody help?
Both are possible, depending on whether the emphasis is on "number" or on
Regards, Einde O'Callaghan
P.S. I think I answered this question - or a similar one - recently either
here or in another newsgroup.
heron stone
2009-06-16 13:51:47 UTC
In article
Post by Dilip Barad
Post by n o s p a m p l e a s e
A large number of tests has (or have?) been conducted.
What should it be?
This is really a tricky one. I am eager to know the rule of grammar
that governs such sentence construction. I feel it should be 'has'
because it is 'A large number'.... and may be 'have' because of
'tests'..... not clear??? can anybody help?
it's not tricky at all.
it's just badly written.

it should read, "Many test have been conducted."


"3712 tests have been conducted."


"Hundreds of tests have been conducted."

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
heron stone
2009-06-13 17:12:49 UTC
In article
Post by n o s p a m p l e a s e
A large number of tests has (or have?) been conducted.
What should it be?
rewrite it...

"Many tests have been conducted."
unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net