Need help with choosing proper word
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n o s p a m p l e a s e
2013-10-13 17:51:25 UTC
I am not a public speaker but I do speak on wide range of subjects around my core competence (technical areas only) amongst people from industry and academia. Can I call myself public speaker? If not, what sort of speaker am I?

How do I describe this in my CV as bullet point?
2013-10-18 13:41:16 UTC
Post by n o s p a m p l e a s e
I am not a public speaker but I do speak on wide range of subjects
around my core competence (technical areas only) amongst people from
industry and academia. Can I call myself public speaker? If not, what
sort of speaker am I?
How do I describe this in my CV as bullet point?
I would suggest you could probably call yourself an Expert Speaker in
your area(s) of competence. If you've spoken to people from industry and
academia then, yes, you've probably delivered papers in which your
expertise was necessary. Some cv styles have separate sections to list
the conferences you've attended and where you've given a paper then you
can put the details of the conference and the topic on which you spoke.